Beauty Is Not Just Skin Deep

Beauty Is Not Just Skin Deep
Beauty Is Not Just Skin Deep

When it comes to taking care of our self, not only is it important to feel good as far as our health is concerned but looking good is equally as important. They say, “When you look good, you feel good,” and I have to wholeheartedly agree. Have you ever been in a funk or not feeling that well, but then, the moment you spruce yourself up a bit, your entire mood changed? I can attest to this as it has worked for me time and time again.

For many people, maintaining a healthy lifestyle as well as a beauty regime are two completely separate worlds. We go to the doctor for the physical health and then go to the salon or spa to take care of our skin, hair and other beauty needs. However, depending on what your specific needs are, both of these needs can be met by going to a medical spa for your services.

Medical spas offer the best of both worlds as it pertains to certain treatments that may require you to go to a dermatologist or see a plastic surgeon. These procedures can be for something as simple as treating acne-prone skin to even having botox or lip fillers injected. Treatments such as these are usually performed within a clinic that specializes in plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

The difference with a traditional spa and a medical spa is that a medical spa is either managed, run by or affiliated with a medical doctor and the procedures performed there are overseen by a doctor as well. However, these spas also offer your traditional services such as facials, wraps, massages and more as well. If you are in Colorado, simply search for a medical spa fort collins co to find a list of medical spa facilities in your area.

Being able to go to a medical spa rather than your traditional spa and doctor is not only convenient but it can also be conducive to the results you get from the services that you receive. That is because normally when you have a cosmetic procedure done and there is aftercare recommended to you, the doctor will recommend certain products or give you instructions for your aftercare. With everything being in-house, you are more likely to have the best aftercare experience and benefit from products that you can purchase all within the same place.

For me, being able to have all of my services done under one roof is not only a time saver but I find that I get the best treatment as my technicians are able to collab on the best treatment plan for me. They are able to coordinate what I should have done first as well as come up with the best treatment plan for me as well.

Whether you are in need of a chemical peel or you just want a nice deep tissue massage, a medical spa can save you time and offer more than just beauty. By going to a facility with medical professionals, you can have the safest experience as well.